“Swimming” won Best of Show

January 10, 2019

“Swimming” won Best of Show in the International Society of Acrylic Painters 3rd Annual All-Members Online Exhibition of 2018. Landrigan is well known for her powerful and emotional acrylic paintings.

See more here.

Juror’s Statement was  “The Best of Show was awarded to Karen Landrigan for her piece, Swimming. When I am jurying the show I don’t know anything about the artists, but once the show opens and awards have been decided I was moved to learn more about Karen. In her artist statement Karen reveals adversity, past and present.  Writing about the subject of one of her paintings “[s]he could be flying; she could be dying. And this is what my art as well as my existence is all about—whether to fly or die.”  She concludes, “I choose to fly.” The conceptual complexity and vulnerability was palpable in her work before I know of her story.  Karen’s work is evocative, visually alluring, filled with movement and honestly steeped in the stuff of life hard, gorgeous, challenging, invigorating and unifying.”

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